Never Far from Home Ep. 59 – Of life, and it’s opposite

Hestia Chase grew up in Steamboat, mostly, and didn’t play much organized hockey in her youth. She was, however, very athletic, and shares some stories about other sports, and the impact they had, and continue to have, on her. She did play one year of U19, but has really gotten involved with the rink since reaching adulthood.

Of life, and it’s opposite

Hestia Chase grew up in Steamboat, mostly, and didn’t play much organized hockey in her youth. She was, however, very athletic, and shares some stories about other sports, and the impact they had, and continue to have, on her. She did play one year of U19, but has really gotten involved with the rink since reaching adulthood. Enjoy her stories, which will make you both laugh, and cry.